Weesie Smith Horticulture Award Recipients

Established, and awarded, by RMGC in 2014.

Given to a recipient within Zone VIII who has shown leadership concerning, and knowledge of, native plants; their protection, propagation and use in the landscape. Willingness to mentor and generosity with knowledge should be a criteria. It is not necessary that the recipient be a member of GCA club.

2015  Mrs. Richard H. Pierpont (Leslie), Late Bloomers Garden Club

2016  Mrs. Joseph B. Fraser III (Alice), Trustees' Garden Club

2017  Mrs. Donald W. Denton (Vickie), Garden Club of Palm Beach

2018  Mrs. John N. Wrinkle (Louise), Little Garden Club of Birmingham

2019  Mrs. L. Sykes Martin (D.D.), Red Mountain Garden Club

2020  Ann M. Judd, Garden Club of Mount Desert

2021  Lisa Williams, Nominated by Late Bloomers Garden Club

2022  Mrs. John H. Angell (Ashby), Trustees' Garden Club, Mrs. Robert N. Frisbie (Kim), Garden Club of Palm Beach

2023  Lane Beebe Courts, Peachtree Garden Club